miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Destinatarios: 2º Educación Primaria
Materia: Science

El planteamiento de la siguiente unidad es el de trabajar de forma integrada contenidos específicos del área de Science relativos al paisaje y al tiempo atmosférico. Teniendo en cuenta la edad de los alumnos intentaremos vincular el contenido a su realidad más próxima, el paisaje de montaña para, partiendo de él poder hacer una aproximación a otras formas de relieve y accidentes con los que están menos familiarizados. También pretendemos automatizar ciertas rutinas como hablar del tiempo atmosférico y vincularlo con el contenido de dicha unidad.

En cuanto al desarrollo curricular de la unidad lo redactaré en inglés por ser la lengua que vamos a trabajar en el aula.

To Know the key elements of landscape in La Paca.
To Know the different types of landscapes according to elements.
To identify the different parts of a mountain.
To identify the different parts of a river.
To identify information in a weather forecast
To create a mockup according to their level.
To describe their mockup


-Nouns: mountain, cliff, valley, river, plain, peak, base, crest, slope, delta, estuary, river source, tributary, river channel, stream, mouth, beach, marsh, cave,..

-Verbs: flow, run, grow, cultivate, rain, be,

-Adjectives: big, short, long, wide, narrow, high, low, far, near,  

-Prepositions: up, down, next to…

Considering different categories:
What's the weather like today?
Is it going to rain in the mountains?
What is the longest river in La Paca?
Do you like walking in the mountain?  Do you prefer cycling?

There is… (affirmative, negative, interrogative and answers)
There are…
a/an, some, any
The verb have got (mountains have got 3 parts…)
The verb to be ( a river is…)

Language skills
Reading, listening, speaking and writing

Discourse type
Description, exposition

Regarding the session distribution we have to consider flexibility depending on our student's age and L2 level. We have planned this  for a 6 sessions considering clear language outcomes in the unit

Sessions 1 and 2 are used to introduce language and elicit from students what they know about the topic.
The activities to carry out are some like bringing photos and discussing on vocabulary, creating a specific wordbank for our students

In sessions 3 and 4 the focus will be on weather and adjectives. The aim is to work on specific vocabulary and structures so that students manage words and expressions related to the topic. In this sessions they will have to listen to weather forecasts in order to get familiar with  the task they will have to carry out. Later they will have to create their own weather forecast for the town and record it.

The last sessions are planned to let students create their ideal landscape (in a mockup) and create the description of it. They will have to present it to their partners as the end of the project.

As far as resources is concerned we aim at using different types of resources:
Our students will bring photos to class. We can also bring some others with different elements that we may focus attention on.
We also have the opportunity to bring a newspaper (even in Spanish) to make students aware of the presence of weather forecast not only on tv, but also in other media.
We will give an example of what they will have to do
The use of the Internet is important. We will use Google search for images. We can also use GOOGLE EARTH to view different places, not only in our region, but also in other places like UK.
Links to the planning and resources

Jesús Antonio Lorca Martínez

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