viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

My body

Subject: Arts and Crafts                             Teacher: Antonia Mª Ramírez Nieto.

Title of the Unit  : " My body"                       Course / Level  : First Cycle. First Year          

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
-         To Learn specialialised vocabulary used in artistic expression: sculpture, marble, rubbing and pencil.
-         To copy a drawing, focusing on the details.
-         To make a three-i-a-row board and pieces.
-         To learn to explain personal experiences.
-         To learn to colour drawings using coloured pencils with precision and accuracy.
-         To appreciate the importance of organized conversation in the classroom between teachers and students and among classmates.
2. Subject Content
-         Artistic expression: the face from the front and from the side.
-         Doing a rubbing with combs.
-         Simple geometrical shapes: squares, circles and triangles.
-         Handprints and fingerprints: observation, identificacion and description.
-         Paint: colour, texture,etc.
-         Positive attitude about activities related to art.

3. Language Content / Communication

-         Nouns: ears, nose, eyes, mouth,…
-         Verbs: look, can, see, colour, write, cut, draw, fold, staple,…
-         Prepositions: in, on, along,…
-         Geometris shapes: squares, triangles, circles.

  • Routines: what activities do we do in the bathroom?; what objects do we use trere?; …
  • Contenido: Comparatives: big- bigger; small- smaller; long- longer; short- shorter.
  • Classroom management: "Order and cleanliness in the work"; "everyone does their job.
Discourse type, Language skills
Reading, listening and speaking.
4. Methodological elements

Resources and materials: the materials used are tabs what the teacher provides, the pencil, the colored pencils, felt pens, eraser, pencil sharpener , scissors, finger paint, tissue paper and comb.

Development time: the unit will operate in six sessions, one for each activity.

Groupings: the teacher explain and comment on the activities in groups where doubts will be exhibited. Subsequently each individual student do his job. There are activities that children would group into pairs.

Basic skills that work in the unit:

 Cultural and artistic competence:
-         Students will develop these competences through the contents in this unit.

Autonomy and individual iniciative:
-         Identify facial features and distinguish between the face from and from the side.
-         Demonstrate the high levels of creativity and imagination needed to create new projects.

Social and civic competence:
-         Encourage participation and respect turn-taking.

Interaction with the physical world:
-         Identify objects related to personal hygiene.
-         Recognise the importance of dental hygiene and distinguish between healthy teeth and those with cavities.

Learning to learn:
-         Develop the capacity to analyse a situation and formulate a hypothesis in terms of the causes and effects of certain action.

Communication skills:
-         Respond orally to several questions, extracting the correct information from the material learned.

Information and technology management:
-         Develop computer skill and discover the possibilities that the internet can offer.

Math skills:
Recognise and distinguish between the basic geometric shapes: circles, squares and triangles

5. Activities
-         Copy and color the picture of a boy showering . Then make a shower curtain by holding some tissue paper . Stick it on your image . Also ask what parts of the body observes that activities are in the bathroom, which we use to wash objects , etc. .
- Look at the picture of the shadow of a comb. Change your comb with a classmate . Place the comb on this page and color on peine.Puede use crayons or pencil.
- Sit opposite your partner and draw the face of the other.
- Submit a form with different shapes : circles , triangles and cuadradados . Coloring squares in red and green triangles . Then color the circles yellow grid . Court grid and forms. Playing three-in -a- row with a classmate.
- Look at a photo of footprints in the sand and answer the question ( where can we find these tracks? ) . Draw another or footprints footprints in the sand .
- See examples of drawings created from fingerprints. Dip your fingertips in a Santo. Ask a fingerprint image on this page . When the Holy dry, add details to your pencil drawing.
6. Cognitive processes
-         This unit is intended that students know and distinguish body parts, and some geometric shapes.
-         Who knows the habits of personal hygiene and to take them out.
-         Be able to draw the human body with all its parts.

7. Cultural element
For body parts and personal hygiene in order to learn to manage your health.

8. Final Evaluation
With the help of a template drawing of a child, being able to draw it as similar as possible with all its elements.

Enlaces de las actividades creadas:
 Los enlaces que utilizaré en la unidad serán:

Enlace del blog de la unidad:

 El enlace al mismo es:

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