miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Subject: Health & Safety Management
Title of the Unit: Manual Handling.                  
Course / Level :  2º Course of Advanced Expert in Occupational Health and Safety (Advanced Vocational Training).        
This is unit is takes part of the "Health and Safety Management" (10 hours a week) subject which is one of the most important subject of this course.  as It merges all the knowledge learners have from all other subjects. It is a cross-disciplinary subject as It merges all the Health and Safety knowledge learners have from both, subjects from the current and previous course.
The aim of "Health and Safety Management" is not only to introduce the foundations on which a health and safety management system may be built, but also It is intended to ensure my students have a broad-based knowledge about "Occupational Health & Safety Management" when they graduate.

Incorrect manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work. Because of that by the end of the unit learners will be able to understand:
Ø  The essentials of manual handling.
Ø  The risks related to manual handling.
Ø  The assessment of manual handling risks.
Ø  The nature of musculoskeletal disorders.
Ø  How to explain, assess and evaluate manual handling risks and implement a risk assessment programme.
Ø  The outlining of types, causes and relevant workplace examples of injuries and ill-health conditions associated with manual handling.
Ø  How to explain the assessment and control of risks from manual handling.
The unit will be delivered in 2 or 3-hour lessons (3+3+3+3+2+2) as my subject is planned in that way. You might think that 16 hours for one unit it would be too much, but is not (taking a risk assessment is a long process), since my subject has 230 hours. Teaching in VET (Vocational, Education and Training) is by far, different from teaching compulsory school. 
Lesson 1 (3 hours):
·      Warm up: General overview of the unit and brainstorming (activating prior knowledge). Exercise 1 Word Cloud.
·      Whole class: What manual handling is and what you should do and know about it.
·      Handout: Exercise 1 and 2.
·      Thinking activity: Debate about what they have learnt today (repetition of the main ideas of the topic).
·      Ending the lesson: Time to think about new words which students have learnt. One of them writes down on the board. They start making their flashcards using Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/britanico/
Lesson 2 (3 hours):
·      Starting routine: Based on repetition of the concepts of the previous class asking them questions.
·      Whole class: Negative health effects of manual handling
·      Handout: Exercise 3 and 4.
·      Thinking activity: Debate about what they have learnt today (repetition of the main ideas of manual handling risk assessment).
·      Ending the lesson: Time to think about new words which students have learnt. One of them writes down on the board. They include new vocabulary in their flashcards.
Lesson 3 (3 hours):
·      Starting routine: Based on repetition of the concepts of the previous class asking them questions.  We watch this video: http://www.hse.gov.uk/printing/manual/flash/turning.htm
·      Whole class: Practical tips for good lifting technique.
·      Handout: Exercises 5 and 6
·      Thinking activity: Debate about what they have learnt today (repetition of the main ideas of good lifting technique).
·      Ending the lesson: Time to think about new words which students have learnt. One of them writes down on the board. They include new vocabulary in their flashcards.

Lesson 4 (3 hours):
·      Starting routine: Based on repetition of the concepts of the previous class asking them questions.  We spend 1 hour browsing Health and Safety Executive website http://www.hse.gov.uk/ for them to see where they can find free pdf materials about Manual handling for their final Project.
·      Whole class: General risk assessment guidelines.
·      Handout: Exercise 7.
·      Thinking activity: Debate about what they have learnt today (repetition of the main ideas of risk assessment guidelines).
·      Ending the lesson: Time to think about new words which students have learnt. One of them writes down on the board. They include new vocabulary in their flashcards.

Lesson 5 (2 hours):
·      Starting routine: Based on repetition of the concepts of the previous class asking them questions.
·      Whole class:  In groups of four They work on their final project using all the resources provided in previous session, mainly HSE website.
·  Handout: Exercise 8 – Final Project. The students start making their powerpoint presentation in the computer.
·   Thinking activity: Debate about the content of the project, the best way to do it, etc.
Lesson 6 (2 hours):

  •    Starting routine: Based on repetition of the concepts of the previous class asking them questions.
  •     Whole class:  The students deliver a 15-minute speech to the class as If the were real workers about Manual handling.
  •     Handout: Every group give a printed copy of their project.
  •    Thinking activity: At the end of their presentation, each group are asked questions about their project.
  •    Ending the lesson: Time to think about new words which students have learnt. One of them writes down on the board. They include new vocabulary in their flashcards.

Download Link:
 Lesson Plan + Unit + Activities. All in the same pdf file.

I hope you like it and enjoy the unit.

Francisco Javier Insa García

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