jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Let's go with Sensitivity and coordination

La unidad que presento titulada "Sensitivity and coordination" está dirigida a sexto de primaria dentro de la materia de Conocimiento del Medio.
Es una unidad didáctica temporalizada para una quincena, realizándose tres sesiones de cincuenta minutos en cada una de ellas. Dicha unidad trabaja el tema de la relación y la coordinación, siendo una unidad muy interactiva, en la cual aparecen los mapas conceptuales como forma esencial de trabajar los contenidos y las exposiciones de los mismos, a la ver que presentaciones con YouTube por parte del alumnado así como el trabajo de investigación como parte central del recorrido de nuestra unidad didáctica.  

Entendemos que el libro es otra herramienta más en el trabajo del aula, pero ni la primera ni la central, por lo que fomentamos el trabajo en grupo y cooperativo así como la competencia de aprender a aprender, todo ello utilizando el inglés como vehículo de comunicación en clase, dado que AICLE y el bilingüismo se desarrollan a través de estas consignas así como el uso de las tecnologías tales como ordenadores, proyectores, etc, y de manera muy importante internet y las herramientas que nos proporcionan tales como http://www.worksheetworks.com/miscellanea/graphic-organizers.HTML
Para  concluir, añadir que el trabajo bilingüe, y de manera muy real en esta unidad, no queda relegado a un vocabulario específico de la unidad en cuestión, sino al uso real y de manera trasversal a todas las acciones que se desarrollan a lo largo del trabajo en el aula.

Daniel Carlos Briet Planells
Subject: Science                                                     Teacher: Daniel Carlos Briet Planells

Title of the Unit: Sensitivity and Coordination                       Course / Level: 6º Primary                

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
·         To understand the stimulus and response concepts.
·         To recognise different kinds of stimuli and responses.
·         To learn the anatomy and basic functioning of the sense organs, identifying them with their external receptors.
·         To know the nervous system and neurone structure.
·         To understand the process of making different kinds of responses.
·         To understand the co-ordination function and its importance in the functioning of the organism.
·         To create a conceptual Map
Evaluation criteria
·         To identify and give examples of different external and internal stimuli.
·         To name the external receptors, identifying them with the corresponding senses.
·         To identify and give examples of different muscular and glandular responses.
·         To describe correctly the components of the central and peripheral nervous system.
·         To describe the process whereby stimuli are received, and responses are prepared and made, at a simple level.
·         To share a conceptual map with the parteners
·         To give a basic description of involuntary movements.
To give and to interpret examples of the co-ordination function and to explain what it consists of.

2. Subject Content
·         Internal and external stimuli.
·         Muscular and glandular responses.
·         Internal and external receptors. Sense organ anatomy and functioning.
·         Parts of the nervous system: Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
·         Structure of the neurone.
·         Voluntary and involuntary movements: Reflex actions.
·         The co-ordination function.
·         Use of simple, explanatory drawings of the component parts of the nervous system and of a neurone.
·         Recognition of different internal and external stimuli.
·         Preparation of diagrams to explain the process whereby a stimulus is perceived, and a response is prepared and given.
·         Awareness of the importance of caring for the sense organs.
·         Acquisition of healthy habits to do with rest and sleep.
·         Appreciation of the complexity of the nervous system, awareness of the need to look after it for it to work properly.
·         Development of a scientific and systematic view of the nervous system anatomy and functioning.

3. Language Content / Communication

Antennae, danger, developed, microscopic, nearby, odour, on land, senses, under water, well, be covered, jump, all over, glandular, hunger, muscular, receptor, response, salivation, sore, stimulus/stimuli, surface, texture, thirst, perceive, sweat, yawn, flavours, inner, nostrils, outer, parts of the ear, of the eye, of the skin, pituitary, pressure, purpose, sight, taste bud, damage, axon, brain stem, cell body, cerebellum, dendrite, gland, involuntary, motor nerves, movement, nervous system, neuron, sense nerves, spinal cord, voluntary, coordinate, develop, transmit.

Present simple, abilities: Zero conditional: when + present simple, Imperative with never and always
Discourse type
Narrative, descriptions and production of texts
Language skills
Hypothesis formulation: To use knowledge in order to predict the contents of the text.
Activation of prior knowledge: To predict knowledge about the reading.
Question formation: To make up questions in order to verify comprehension of the text.
Identification of speaking, writing, reading, listening

4. Contextual (cultural) element
Positive interdependence: To make individual contributions that promote group progress and to make good use of the qualities of others.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Positive thinking: To trust oneself and others.
Assertiveness: To recognise mistakes without embarrassment.
6. (a) Task(s)
Realization of a representative mural of all the senses and its role in daily life
6. (b) Activities
Exercises p.19 nº 1 / Activities p. 27 nº1
Exercises p.19 nº 2 / Activities p. 27 nº2
Exercises p.21 nº 1,2 / Activities p. 27 nº3
Exercises p.23 nº 1,2 / Activities p. 27 nº4,5
Exercises p.25 nº 1 / Activities p. 27 nº6
Exercises p.25 nº 2 / Activities p. 27 nº7
Create a conceptual map of this unit with: http://www.worksheetworks.com/miscellanea/graphic-organizers.html

7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing

This unit comes under the block entitled Health and Personal Development. In it, we describe the function of relationships and learn about the sensory organs, the central and peripheral nervous systems, neurons, and finally, the process through which voluntary and involuntary movements occur, as well as reflexes. Likewise, we review healthy habits to care for our sensory organs.
This unit corresponds to the second fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of 2 weeks.
Resources / Materials

• Class CD 1: Tracks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
• Flashcards CD-ROM
• Mixed-ability worksheets, Reinforcement and extension: Unit 2
• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 2
·  Reading Comprehension worksheets: Unit 2
• Speaking worksheets: Unit 2
• Vocabulary worksheets: Unit 2
·                      Create a conceptual map with: http://www.worksheetworks.com/miscellanea/graphic-organizers.html
• Posters: Sensitivity and coordination

Key Competences
·         To learn new words and expressions and to relate them to their meaning in order to express the knowledge learned. (Look and answer, Dictionary, Act. 1, page 17 and 21)
·         To listen to, understand and produce oral messages. (Listen and talk, Act. 2, page 17, 19 and 21)
·         To relate the information available to their prior knowledge in order to answer questions and give opinions. (Look and answer, Page 23, Competency check)
·         To draw up diagrams, correctly organising the information in such a way as to memorise the contents of the unit. (Page 19, Act. 1; Learning to learn, page 22)
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Exam and daily work and observation
Evaluation criteria
·         To identify and give examples of different external and internal stimuli.
·         To name the external receptors, identifying them with the corresponding senses.
·         To identify and give examples of different muscular and glandular responses.
·         To correctly describe the components of the central and peripheral nervous system.
·         To describe the process whereby stimuli are received, and responses are prepared and made, at a simple level.
·         To give a basic description of involuntary movements.
·         To give and to interpret examples of the co-ordination function and to explain what it consists of.


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